We help you to find your way in the mesh of politics, administration, business associations and media.
We navigate you through political processes and put you in contact with relevant decision makers. Therefore, you can rely on our strong network and our deep understanding especially of all issues touching digitalization.

Together with our clients we develop focused strategies and clearly structured measures in order to both feed your arguments into political processes and make you participate in the political debate.


Cornelius Wendel is a business consultant for political analysis and communication, and founder of POLICYNAVIGATION

He is a consultant for both German and international companies and organizations operating in the digital economy, telecommunication, eHealth, media, and commerce. His focus is the digital transformation of economy, media and society, and the resulting regulatory changes. He has been active in Berlin political scene since 1999. Among other things, he served as the director of a foreign trade organization, in various functions in the German federal government, in the Berlin city parliament, and as a political advisor. After his service in the Navy he studied history and political economy at the universities of Bonn, Passau and Heidelberg. He is a founding member of the German Startups Association.

T   +49 30 206 036 92
F   +49 30 206 036 99
M  +49 179 694 6323


Our core competences lie in the fields of data protection, intellectual property, share economy, 3D-printing, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, net neutrality, broadband logistics, media regulation, transformation of business models and markets.

The industries and markets in which we are active are, for example, media companies, e-commerce, eHealth, eMobility, FinTech, the IT industry, telecommunication, and the startup ecosystem with its investment landscape.

Political Communication

  • Lobbying concepts and political analyses
  • Political positioning strategy
  • Networking, events and meetings with decision-makers from the Bundestag, ministries and business associations
  • Policy advice
  • Position papers, press releases and statements

Digital Trips

  • Individual curating of trips to the hotspots of the digital transformation such as Silicon Valley, New York, Tel Aviv, China
  • Educational-trips for delegations from the political and business sector
  • Company visits and panel discussions

Strategic Consulting

  • Integrated business research on current and upcoming political topics
  • Time management of political communication
  • Political analysis of business models and value chains
  • Political positioning strategy

Public Affairs

  • Representation of business interests, emphasizing the public opinion, social factors and media coverage
  • Relationship building between organizations, companies and the political realm
  • Access to political decision-makers
  • Issue management and lobbying


  • Contacts to the key players within the political realm
  • Political and economic dialogue
  • Political events
  • Round-table and expert talks


  • For political institutions as well as companies and organizations from all sectors
  • Opportunity and risk analyses within debates on digitalization
  • Shaping branch-specific potentials for the digital transformation
  • Strategy development and coaching


  • Observation of the political environment
  • Structured evaluation of legislative processes
  • Analysis of position papers and political satements
  • Research on current political and societal developments concerning business-related issues
  • Stakeholder-monitoring

Political Due Diligence

  • Political risk analysis of business models
  • Reports about political frameworks and processes
  • Political support for market entries and M&A
  • Evaluation of legal, societal and cultural factors for developing a successful business strategy

Stakeholder Mapping

  • Identification of key players within the political environment (politics, organizations, public authorities, media, science, business)
  • Localization of networks
  • Political analysis of competitors
  • Research

Political Positioning

  • Company-specific and topic oriented introduction into the political realm
  • Forming a political and societal profile for businesses
  • Political repositioning
  • Strategic reputation management

Policy Events

  • Event management and schedule coordination
  • Parliamentary breakfasts and evenings
  • Summer festivals and company events
  • Round-table talks
  • Expert forums and workshops
  • Individual representation of interests


  • Political analyses and studies on technological changes and the digitalization
  • Technology marktes, digital markets and political frameworks
  • Political analyses and studies on Industrial Internet (Industry 4.0) strategies
  • Data-based evaluation of relevant market segments


Public Affairs for the Digital World

Cornelius Wendel
Mohrenstraße 59
10117 Berlin

T:    +49 30 206 036 91
F:    +49 30 206 036 99


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